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Bio-LNG: what is it?

Bio-LNG: what is it?

Bio-LNG is a premium analogue of fossil fuel LNG

  • LNG, liquefied natural gas, consists mostly of methane, which becomes liquid at minus 162 degrees Celsius.

  • LNG is produced from natural gas worldwide, with CO2, H2S, particulates, mercury and water removed from the gas.

  • Depending on the source of the gas, the composition of LNG also varies, and the methane content can range from 80% to 99.9%.

  • Bio-LNG is an analogue of LNG produced from biogas. Biogas is produced by anaerobic fermentation.

  • All organic waste can rot, and bacteria do their work by producing biogas. Therefore, biogas is the cheapest and cleanest fuel.

  • Bio-LNG (LBM) = liquid biomethane. This is the first time that an existing biofuel is of better quality than its fossil counterpart LNG.

BioLNG liquefaction equipment

BioLNG liquefaction equipment

The biomethane liquefaction plant uses the Linde cycle to liquefy biomethane. The Linde cycle is modified from the classic version, which allows to minimize energy consumption and is based on closed cooling cycles, which minimizes the cost of feeding the refrigerant (nitrogen). The liquefaction process consists of three stages: compression, pre-cooling and liquefaction.

Biomethane liquefaction technology is based on the absence of additional refrigerants and the ability of nitrogen in the cycle to heat up during compression and cool down during the expansion process. Repeating cycles of compression and expansion allows you to reach and maintain ultra-low temperatures. A key technological feature is that the turbo expander and compressor are located on the same shaft.




  • long equipment life cycle, low maintenance costs, absence of lubricants in the system;


  • low electricity consumption, full system energy recovery, energy consumption for the liquefaction line 0.798 kW/kg;


  • due to the standardized modular design;


  • small-sized container units reduce on-site installation costs;


  • automated control with remote control and monitoring;


  • the system works without the use of refrigerants and is safe for the environment and the most “green” among all BLNG production systems;


  • absence of chemically active substances, absence of risk of fire or explosion;


  • stable continuous operation, minimal loads on the power grid, the frequency inverter allows you to maintain the accuracy and uniformity of the temperature;


  • compliance with all international standards / regulations, without special safety requirements.
Advantages of BIO-LNG compared to fossil LNG

Advantages of BIO-LNG compared to fossil LNG

  • BIO-LNG has better quality than fossil LNG. This is the first time that biofuel is better than its fossil fuel counterpart;
  • Although BIO-LNG can be used without blending, it can also be used to improve the quality of fossil LNG;
  • Bio-LNG emits negligible NOx or PM during combustion;
  • BIO-LNG has a much lower carbon footprint than other fossil fuels or biofuels: BIO-LNG can even be carbon negative;
  • BIO-LNG can replace 20% of fossil transport fuels by 2030 in inland shipping, heavy trucks and cold ironing in ports
Technological scheme of production

Technological scheme of production

Pretreatment of biogas

Before being fed to the membranes, the raw biogas is pre-treated (water, H2S and other impurities must be removed) using a biogas cooling system and a biogas filtration system, which includes:

  • Biogas is cooled to a temperature of 50C using a chiller, while moisture is removed from the biogas.
  • Compression of biogas to a pressure of 50 to 150 mbar.
  • Filtration is performed to remove hydrogen sulfide and other pollutants using activated carbon filters: two filters for H2S removal and one for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and siloxanes.
Biogas purification system. Three-stage biogas enrichment system

Biogas purification system. Three-stage biogas enrichment system

  • For the separation of carbon dioxide, highly selective membranes are used, which pass CO2 more easily and faster than methane.
  • Membrane modules are located in the system in such a way that biogas from different stages of treatment is recirculated to obtain the highest efficiency (>99.5%) and the lowest methane losses (<0.5%).
  • This technology significantly reduces methane losses compared to many other technologies.

The principle of membrane operation

Membrane modules

Membrane modules

Membrane modules

Biomethane liquefaction technology is based on the absence of additional refrigerants and the ability of nitrogen in the cycle to heat up during compression and cool down during the expansion process. Repeating cycles of compression and expansion allows to reach and maintain ultra-low temperatures. A key technological feature is that the turbo expander and compressor are located on the same shaft.

  • Biomethane is compressed to the required parameters thanks to a horizontal piston compressor. After that, biomethane goes through a cascade of processing processes, which consist of recovery heat exchangers and two refrigeration units to obtain the required temperature. With the help of pressure-reducing equipment, the gas is converted into a liquid state, after which the liquefied gas is sent to a storage container.
  • The liquefaction process works continuously, which allows to reduce the energy load required for methane liquefaction and optimize the cost of electricity, which is spent at each stage of the system’s operation.
RSE s.r.o. offers

RSE s.r.o. offers

RSE s.r.o. offers its clients design support, equipment installation supervisor and system commissioning. This ensures the highest quality of work in accordance with the project, as well as the most efficient use of resources and mechanical equipment warranty. Activities include unit installation, mechanical and electrical inspections, and preparation of inspection reports. Puts into operation a liquefaction plant for obtaining liquid biogas. Commissioning ensures the compatibility of implementation with the design documentation of the project and meets the requirements provided by the client. Commissioning includes engine testing, production testing, SAT (site acceptance testing), equipment setup, and on-site operator training and demonstration.

The main advantages of our equipment for the liquefaction of biomethane to BLNG

ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: the system works without the use of refrigerants and is safe for the environment and the most “green” among all BLNG production systems;

ENERGY EFFICIENCY: low electricity consumption, full system energy recovery, energy consumption of the liquefaction line 0.798 kW/kg;

REDUCTION OF OPERATING COSTS: long equipment life cycle, low maintenance costs, absence of lubricants in the system;

SAFE SOLUTION: no chemically active substances, no risk of fire or explosion;

STABILITY OF WORK: stable continuous work, minimal loads on the power grid;

TEMPERATURE STABILITY: the frequency inverter allows you to maintain an accuracy of 0.5 K, temperature uniformity;

NO VIBRATION OR NOISE: Turbocharger design reduces noise and vibration;

COMPLIANCE WITH LEGISLATION: compliance with all international standards / regulations, without special safety requirements.