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Steam cycle

Steam cycle

A steam power plant consists of a boiler, a steam turbine, a generator and other auxiliary equipment. The boiler generates steam under high pressure and high temperature. A steam turbine converts the thermal energy of steam into mechanical energy. The generator then converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Our highly efficient and environmentally friendly power plants will contribute to a stable supply of electricity and reduce the impact on the environment.

EPC services

EPC services

We are not just a manufacturer that designs and manufactures equipment and devices needed for thermal power plants. We also provide EPC services, including plant construction. Power plants consist of the main plant equipment, such as boilers, steam turbines and generators, as well as various auxiliary equipment. As we are capable of both main equipment supplier and EPC, we can optimize the design conditions for boilers, steam turbines and generators based on the required electrical and thermal capacity.

Complex method

One of the strengths is our involvement in the design, manufacture and construction of optimal installations in a comprehensive manner to ensure customer requirements, suitability for location with maximum performance of the main equipment.