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The RSE company is a manufacturer of heat and electric generator (cogeneration) installations using biogas, obtained by forced gasification of fuel chips. Gasification is a process of partial oxidation of carbon-containing raw materials (biomass) to obtain a gaseous energy carrier of biogas or wood gas. Wood biogas is a product of biomass gasification and is a synthesis gas that can be used as fuel for an internal combustion engine.

The process of energy production in installations

The process of energy production in installations

Gasifier – in a controlled process, the apparatus for dry distillation of wood from chips produces gas (which is produced during a thermochemical process in a pyrolysis boiler). The produced wood gas is cleaned by a gas filter and enters the input of the internal combustion engine. The engine, which runs on wood gas, starts the generator, which produces electrical energy, which is used by connected consumers or released into the general electrical network. Thermal energy is transferred to the heating system through plate heat exchangers for the needs of consumers.

Advantages of technology

Advantages of technology

  • Environmentally friendly technology – during gasification, the emission level is close to zero, and by-products such as ash and charcoal are safe for the environment.
  • The consumption of fuel chips per unit of energy production is 2 times lower than in other types of cogeneration, including the steam turbine cycle.
  • The station operates under conditions of complete automation and minimization of the human factor during energy generation.
  • When burning gas, no solid residues (slag) are formed.
  • Dry gas cleaning – no condensate is formed.
  • A modern efficient industrial engine is used.
  • The gas piston engine starts from wood gas:
  • no additional fuel is required no generator start required.
  • Compact in size – 1 module occupies 50 sq.m. in case of container execution.
  • Possibility of using spent wood (charcoal) – 5,000 kcal/kg.